Updates to the Share Trading Terms and Conditions effective 12 August 2024.

We have made the following changes to the Share Trading Terms and Conditions which will take effect from 12 August 2024:


New clause added

Terms and Conditions of Online Access (For Information Services and Internet Trading)


New Defined Term:

1.18 DocuSign means the cloud-based electronic signature technology that allows users to sign documents electronically.

Updated Defined Term:
Your Account

Added: Your account may be also be referenced as the Australian Shares account in the Participant's forms and/or terms and conditions.


New 5.5

5.5 You agree that if You choose to execute any document which is required by AUSIEX in relation to the AUSIEX Share Trading services, utilising DocuSign, You understand that:

a) You are signing the documents electronically and that Your electronic signature is equivalent to Your 'wet ink' signature; and

b) You are legally bound to the terms and conditions of the documents that you electronically sign.


New 14.2

14.2 Every other clause of this Contract is subject to the terms of this clause 14.2. If any term of these Terms and Conditions is regulated by legislation relating to unfair contract terms and we are advantaged by that term, we may only exercise our rights under that term, to the extent (if any) reasonably necessary to protect our legitimate interests, unless the term would not cause a significant imbalance in the parties' rights and obligations under these Terms and Conditions or it would not cause detriment (financial or otherwise) to You if we applied that term or relied on it. Words under this clause have the same meaning as under the applicable legislation.

Terms and Conditions of Share Trading Account


New 2.14

2.14 For electronic signatures only:
You agree that if You choose to execute any document which is required by AUSIEX in relation to the AUSIEX Share Trading services, utilising DocuSign, You understand that:

a) You are signing the documents electronically and that Your electronic signature is equivalent to Your 'wet ink' signature; and

b) You are legally bound to the terms and conditions of the documents you electronically sign.


New 15.2

15.2 Every other clause of this Contract is subject to the terms of this clause 15.2. If any term of these Terms and Conditions is regulated by legislation relating to unfair contract terms and we are advantaged by that term, we may only exercise our rights under that term, to the extent (if any) reasonably necessary to protect our legitimate interests, unless the term would not cause a significant imbalance in the parties' rights and obligations under these Terms and Conditions or it would not cause detriment (financial or otherwise) to You if we applied that term or relied on it. Words under this clause have the same meaning as under the applicable legislation.

You can view the latest document available for download from this website. Should you have any questions about these changes, please contact us.

Published: 2 August 2024